Circumcision At Paragon Medical Centre
A dedicated family health clinic servicing Modbury North and the surrounding communityPh: 08 8264 7824
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Circumcision At Paragon Medical Centre
We have friendly and professional doctors. Male and female doctors are available.

Paragon Medical Centre
97-105 Smart Road, Modbury SA 5092
Ph: 08 8264 7824
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday | 8.00 am to 11.00 pm |
Saturday | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm |
Sunday | 9.00 am to 5.00pm |
All Public Holidays | 9.00 am to 5.00pm |
**Open on all Public Holidays
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About Circumcision
Circumcision is a simple surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin, a sleeve of skin covering the end of the penis. Circumcision is one of the oldest and most common surgical procedures performed worldwide. The major methods used for neonatal and pediatric circumcision are:
- Plastibell Device plus shangring
- GOMCO Clamp
- Mogen Clamp
- Cut and stitch method
During the procedure, we use local anesthetic Injections and nitrous oxide if required.
The Plastibell Technique
The Plastibell Technique uses a device called a Plastibell, which fits inside the foreskin, over the head of the penis. A string is then tied around the outside of the foreskin so that the foreskin is compressed between the plastic bell on the inside and the string on the outside. The compression between the string and the bell essentially clamps off the blood flow to the end of the foreskin. After a short period of time, generally 3-7 days, the plastic bell will separate from the penis and the circumcision will be complete.
Benefits of circumcision
Eliminates the risk of phimosis, which affects 1 in 10 older boys and men. This condition refers to a tight foreskin that cannot be pulled back fully, so making cleaning under it, and passing urine, difficult. Phimosis increases the risk of penile cancer 12-fold.
Reduces the risk of inflammation and infection of the skin of the penis 3-fold. 1 in 10 uncircumcised men get inflammation of the head of the penis which is covered by the foreskin.
A 5-fold decrease in risk of the man’s female partner being infected by Chlamydia or contracting cervical cancer (which is caused by the high-risk human papillomavirus).
A greater than 10-fold decrease in the risk of urinary tract infections. A greater than 20-fold decrease in the risk of invasive penile cancer.
Circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV (Aids)
Risks in circumcision
With today’s advanced technology, procedural complications are minimal. However, other physical risks may include:
Bleeding: with the plastibell method, the risk of any major bleeding has become a rare event. Minor bleeding occassionally occurs, but can be easily managed at the time of the operation.
Infection: The circumcision operation is performed under sterile conditions, however there is still a small risk of infection. In such cases, the baby will be prescribed antibiotics.
Pain: minor discomfort after the procedure, which can be managed with paracetomol.
Serious complications and hospitalisations occur very rarely. After the operation, parents are provided with a 24 hr phone number for any emergencies or matters of concern.
Frequently Asked Questions About Circumcision
The cost of circumcision varies as it depends on the patient’s age. There are Gap charges involved in the procedure. The Doctor will discuss it with you in detail before the procedure.
We will give you all the advice and resources to make sure that recovery is as stress and pain free .
Yes, attend the initial consultation and the procedure on the same day, to avoid additional travel and parking expenses
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Other Services At Paragon Medical Centre
We offer a wide range of services for our patients.
GP Services
Travel Medicine
Family Planning
Including Antenatal Shared Care
Fracture Management
Minor Surgical Procedures
Work Related Illness And Injury
Meet Our Paragon Medical Centre Doctors